Khamis, 5 November 2009

Peer Counselling Board

Assalamu'alaikum wbt & Good Day to all

Counseling Unit and University Peer Group would like to invite all MMU's students that interested & committed towards become a better person in helping others; by joining us, in program called Peer Counselor Board.

Those familiar with Faci Team (a group facilitator) may ask what's the different between those two? Here's brief ideas of this program; objective to be achieved, input as planned & output to contribute.

Objective of this program
1) to promote basic helping skills in managing life of self & others
2) as an agent to Counseling Unit in promoting counseling as a way to manage life well
3)in helping self to help others

1) Selection of participants through interview & inventory tests
2) Training program
3) Follow-up group
4) Graduation

1) a better way to help others, especially your peers.
2) counseling is a method to overcome issues in life
3) role model to others.
Those interested, please get the application form in Counselling Unit from Counselor, Miss Nur Ramizah Alasri at 2nd Floor, Plaza Siswa before or on 13 November 2009.

Let's start the journey

"a thousand miles journey begins with one single step"

Miss Nur Ramizah Alasri
Counseling Unit
Multimedia University Melaka

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