Rabu, 29 Julai 2009

Mini Career Talk

Dear UPG members and all MMU students..

Student Affairs Division (STAD) is going to conduct a is Mini Career Talk tomorrow. U all are adviced to come because such program will offer you lots of information and benefits. Details of the program are as below:

Date: 30 July 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 12noon-3pm
Venue: Sri Ruby Seminar Room

Important to be noted:

*Open to all MMU students above 18 years old
*Golden Opportunnity to earn side income
*Training provided, Basic salary between RM1500 -RM2000per month
*Special Rewards awaiting you - Overseas Tour, Plaques, Certificates etc
*Its a very promising career!
Free gifts provided for the first 50 participant!!
Feel free to come, to gain knowledge & new perspective on planning your financial & earning some side income:)

"housand miles journey begins with one single step..."

Miss Nur Ramizah;
Counsellor MMU Melaka

Isnin, 20 Julai 2009

UPG Exco Interview Sessions


Salam & Greetings to all!!

Here is a beautiful announcement for those who has their heart in UPG MMU Melaka! Pls take note and do not waste the precious chance. =) In completing the Organizational Structure of UPG (Melaka Campus) for the term 2009/2010, we are going to held interview sessions for those who really interested to be the Executive Committee of UPG (Exco). The details of the interview sessions are as follows;

Date : 21 & 22 July 2009
Day : Tuesday & Wednesday
Time: 900am-1200pm(Morning session)
200pm - 500pm (evening session)
Venue : Sri Ruby

Do come for the interview session no matter who you are as long as you are MMU Students. We really welcome you guys to come for the interview and be with the management line of UPG Melaka.

"To Unite To Develop To Give"

Best Regards;
Fateen Najlaa Idayu
0173503382 / 0136248284
UPG 09/10'
MMU Melaka

Rabu, 8 Julai 2009


Assalamu'alaikum and Greetings to all,

University Peer Group (UPG) MMU Melaka campus would like to invite all its members and everyone interested to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2009 session. The details of AGM are as following :

Date : 15 July 2009
Time : 8.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Venue : FBL Studio B

For those who are still interested to join us, we welcome you to join our AGM to register and to collect membership card and T-Shirt. There will be SAPS point given to participants and refreshment provided. We will also have mini Lucky Draw and Door Gift for lucky participants. Therefore, DONT MISS THIS EXTRAORDINARY AGM!! SEE YOU ALL THERE!!

" To Unite, To Develop, To Give "


University Peer Group (UPG)
MMU Melaka

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