Rabu, 29 Julai 2009

Mini Career Talk

Dear UPG members and all MMU students..

Student Affairs Division (STAD) is going to conduct a is Mini Career Talk tomorrow. U all are adviced to come because such program will offer you lots of information and benefits. Details of the program are as below:

Date: 30 July 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 12noon-3pm
Venue: Sri Ruby Seminar Room

Important to be noted:

*Open to all MMU students above 18 years old
*Golden Opportunnity to earn side income
*Training provided, Basic salary between RM1500 -RM2000per month
*Special Rewards awaiting you - Overseas Tour, Plaques, Certificates etc
*Its a very promising career!
Free gifts provided for the first 50 participant!!
Feel free to come, to gain knowledge & new perspective on planning your financial & earning some side income:)

"housand miles journey begins with one single step..."

Miss Nur Ramizah;
Counsellor MMU Melaka

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