Salam and greetings to all!
We would like to announce that we will make another TOF 2. So to those that participated in TOF 1 but not joining TOF 2 this is your opportunity to participate and become more skills and polish up your talent to be a very good and excellent faci. We open this TOF just for participant that joined the TOF 1 whether in this year last year or past past past year and also who are participated in induction ProKAM. Make sure you grab this chance to continue your knowledge about faci and become a trainer at the future.
The details of the programmed are as follow:
Date: 1-2 January 2010 (Saturday and Sunday)
Fees: RM 10
Venue: will be informing later.
Come and join us! This is the camp that u will never get at somewhere else!
See you guys! :)
Contact person:-
Naim Shayir: 0175170901
Nur Shafiqa: 0197609509
please cnfrm to me this thursday before 6pm. tq! :)